Winter 2009
Australia: Beaches, Cliffs, and History Ron Moon
Sand Ladder Test Scott Brady
Picking up Strangers: Alaska to Argentina Dominic Gill
Sleepless in Seligman: Monitoring Black-footed Ferrets Brian DeArmon
Review: Montague Paratrooper Folding Mountain Bike Jonathan Hanson
Camera Accessories: Make Friends & Influence Your Photographs Jonathan Hanson
Vehicle Feature: FJ45LV Chris Collard
Overland Post, Editor’s Column, Editor’s Project, News from the Trade, Overland News, Latitude, Expedition Reads, Overland Conservation, Overland Medicine: Allergic and Contact Dermatitis, Skills: Seven Knots to Take You Around the World, Overland Chef: Cucumber Tuna Boats, Classic Kit: Brunton Pocket Transit, Tail Lamp: Beaufort Breakdown
On the Cover
End of the road. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Photo by Dominic Gill.
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