Winter 2010
In the Footsteps of Genghis Khan: Silk Road Lada, Sophie Ibbotson
Sleeping Bag Test Graham Jackson
Venturesome Spirit: Cape Town to Cairo Lois Pryce
Northern Michigan: Say Yah to da UP, eh? Mike McCarthy
An Overlander's Camera: Ricoh GXR Tom Sheppard
The Canol Road, Part 2: A Camel-Trophy-style Assault Pete Lembesis
Vehicle Feature: BMW 800GS Brian DeArmon
Overland Post, Editor's Column, Publisher's Project, News from the Trade, Overland News, Latitude, Overland Conservation - Roseann Hanson, Overland Medicine: First-Aid Kits - Dr. Ed Beggy, Skills: Africa on your Own - Jonathan Hanson, Overland Chef: Cider Chops with Grilled Apples - Overland Gourmet, Classic Kit: The Bush Jacket - Jonathan Hanson, Tail Lamp: Thoughts During an Icelandic Whiteout - Charlie Venezia
On the Cover
The Land Rover team making their way along the braided Godlin River, northern Canada. Photo by Pete Lembesis.
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